Wing Chun Statistics
This is a complete list of up-to-date Wing Chun statistics.
On this page you’ll find hand-picked stats about:
- Wing Chun training
- Wing Chun history
- The Wing Chun Dummy
- Online Wing Chun
- Wing Chun and Ip Man (Yip Man)
- Wing Chun and Bruce Lee
- Wing Chun and JKD
- Wing Chun lineages
- Ip Man’s students
- How to start learning
- Wing Chun in Self-Defense
- Wing Chun in MMA
- Lots more
So without further ado, let’s see the stats!
- Key Wing Chun Stats
- Ip Man Wing Chun Statistics
- Online Wing Chun Statistics
- Wing Chun Dummy Statistics
- Learning Wing Chun Statistics
- Self-Defense Statistics
- Martial Arts Statistics
- Kung Fu Stats
- Wing Chun History Statistics
Key Wing Chun Stats
Let’s get started with some big stats about Wing Chun overall. These stats have been gathered from Wing Chun studies, surveys, reports, articles, testimonies and even descriptions from Google.
- Wing Chun is practiced by over 2 million people world wide (The Dragon Institute)
- Despite several legends, the definitive origin of Wing Chun remains unknown (Complete Wing Chun: The Definitive Guide to Wing Chun’s History and Traditions)
- Wing Chun Illustrated is the world’s longest published Wing Chun magazine. It is published by Eric Lilleør. (Wing Chun Illustrated)
- International Wing Chun Day is held annually on the 3rd Saturday in March (Wing Chun News)
- It is said that eighty percent of Wing Chun is contained within the first form, Siu Nim Tao. (Wing Chun Forms: Black Belt Wiki)
- Wing Chun is one of the youngest and most contemporary styles of Kung Fu (
- 90% of all Wing Chun in the world can be traced back to Ip Man (
- Yee Ji Kim Yeung Ma, is practiced about 50% of the time in Wing Chun (wingchunlexicon)
- Wing Chun consists 90 percent on hands and 10 percent on kicks (
- Wing Chun hand strikes are designed to cause eye and throat damage, these are banned in MMA (
- Despite what some think, Wing Chun, done well, isn’t an easy art to learn (Beginner Wing Chun Mistakes [The Dragon Institute])
- Wing Chun originates from southern China (Google)
- 90% of Wing Chun schools in the UK do not spar (Facebook)
- If you want to get good at Wing Chun, you cannot teach yourself Wing Chun without at teacher. (Can Your Learn Wing Chun Online? – The Dragon Institute)
- Wing Chun is not a style of fighting, but rather a system used to develop fighting skills. (
- MMA fighters using Wing Chun include Tony Ferguson, Jon Jones and Anderson Silva (Wing Chun in MMA – The Dragon Institute)
- Wing Chun is one of the most effective martial arts for self-defense (Is Wing Chun Effective in a Fight? – The Dragon Institute)
- Wing Chun Kung Fu is based on the Taoist principle of ‘Take the Middle Road’.(
- According to its legendary history, Wing Chun was created by a woman in ancient China for efficient self defense against larger assailants (
- The biggest Wing Chun school in Hong Kong is Mindful Wing Chun under Sifu Nima King (Mindful Wing Chun)
- Meng’s Martial Arts of Katy is the largest Wing Chun school in pan-America (
- The oldest Wing Chun school in Florida is Seminole Wing Chun under Sifu Karl Godwin (Wing Chun Florida
- The largest Wing Chun display is 10,021 people and was achieved by Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation (China) in Chengdu, Sichuan, China on January 8th, 2015 (Guiness World Records)
- The most full contact punch strikes in one minute is 901 by Norman Breese, a Wing Chun practititoner in Utah, USA, in 2017 (Guiness World Records)
- Over 50% of Wing Chun schools in the world do not spar (The Dragon Institute)
- The Wing Chun wooden dummy uses an arm and leg configuration designed to cultivate fighting skill and chi simultaneously. (Wing Chun Teahouse Magazine)
- Wing Chun has been taught and integrated into the training programs of military & law enforcement agencies around the world such as the US Navy Seals, FBI, CIA, French RAID and German special forces (The Dragon Institute)
- Chu Shong Tin was given the name “King of Siu Nim Tao” by Ip Man (Wikipedia)
- Lok Yiu was said to be the “King of Chum Kiu and Pole” (
- Leung Sheung was said to the “King of Biu Jee and Knives” (
- According to My Martial Arts Training Center The more brute force one uses, the less efficient one gets in Wing Chun. (
- The most common system of forms in Wing Chun consists of three empty hand forms, two weapon forms, and a wooden dummy form (Wikipedia)
- Leung Jan was known as the “King of Wing Chun” (
- The term Wing Chun has 5,100,000 results on Google search.
- The first public demonstration of Wing Chun, according to Ip Man, took place in the winter of 1969 at what was then the Baptist College, now the Hong Kong Baptist University (Wikipedia)
- There have been 24 movies which featured Wing Chun (Wikipedia)
- The Wing Chun community is 71.3% of the people of the Kung Fu community on Reddit (The Dragon Institute)
- Famous Wing Chun people (celebrities who practice Wing Chun) include Bruce Lee, Robert Downey Jr, Ip Man, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen, Michelle Yeoh, Christian Bale, Nicholas Cage, Jake Gyllenhaal, Brandon Lee, Sammo Hung, Ben Taylor, Corey Irvin and Brandon Brooks (The Dragon Institute)
Wing Chun Statistics about Ip Man / Yip man
- Ip Man started training Wing Chun when he was 13 years old (New Martial Hero)
- The Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong was founded in 1967 by Ip Man and seven of his students (
Wing Chun Statistics about Bruce Lee
- Wing Chun’s most famous student was Bruce Lee (Wikipedia)
- Bruce Lee’s Wing Chun Sifu (Kung Fu teacher) was Ip Man/Yip Man (Wikipedia)
- Bruce Lee started training Wing Chun at Ip Man’s school in 1956 at the age of 16 (South China Morning Post)
- Bruce Lee was introduced to Wing Chun by William Cheung. (Wikipedia)
- William Cheung introduced Bruce Lee to Ip Man / Yip Man (Bushido)
Wing Chun Historical Statistics
- A period of civil war during the transition of the Ming and Qing Dynasties caused many of the Shaolin Temple members to flee and take up refuge throughout southern China, resulting in the creation of Wing Chun (Wikipedia)
- Wing Chun was originally one of the martial arts practiced by the Red Boat opera (Wikipedia)
Kung Fu Statistics
- The first recorded mention of Kung Fu was in the 5th century BC in the Spring and Autumn Annals (
- According to legend, Kung Fu originated during the semi-mythical Xia Dynasty (夏朝) more than 4,000 years ago (Martial Arts of the World: An Encyclopedia)
- The oldest Kung Fu school in Australia is the Chinese Kung Fu Academy under Henry Sue (
Martial Arts Statistics
- 50% of people who start martial arts drop out in the first week (Quora)
- 75% of people who start martial arts drop out before the first 3 months are up (Quora)
- 90% of people who start martial arts drop out before the first 6 months are up (Quora)
- 95% of people who start martial arts drop out within the first year (Quora)
- Only 3% of people who start martial arts make it to blackbelt level (Quora)
Have statistics to add to our list? Contact us.