When considering learning Wing Chun at home or investing in our online Wing Chun At Home Study Course, realize that Wing Chun has two different, yet very important types of training... solo training and partner training. Neither can be exclusive to your Wing Chun training. Both solo training and partner training must be a part of a balanced Wing Chun training program.
Despite what many (even experienced sifus say) the truth is YES, you can learn Wing Chun at home! Not only can you learn Wing Chun at home, you can also gain lots of knowledge from at home Wing Chun lessons or videos.
So make no mistake, in order to FULLY learn Wing Chun, a student also needs partner-based Wing Chun training, not only online Wing Chun training. In the end, you need someone who can apply Wing Chun better than you...a hands-on Wing Chun training partner to help you, to pressure you, to uproot you, to punch you and get punched, and to physically challenge you. This is how you learn Wing Chun and become sensitive to the correct energy, actionable pressure and how to properly flow with the other person's energy. In the end, the reality is that no matter how much Wing Chun knowledge you know, turning knowledge into application requires actual hands-on training. Never mistake this!