Dragon Family Wing Chun
So you think you know what Wing Chun is?
You’ve seen it on YouTube or maybe have a friend who did Wing Chun. Maybe you’ve even practiced Wing Chun yourself and think you know what it is.
Well I here to tell you that you don’t know good Wing Chun… at least not Dragon Family Wing Chun.
Let me ask you this… and let’s assume you’ve studied Wing Chun before…
How often did you guys punch each other?
How much sparring did you do?
How much did you train from no contact without starting from a bridge?
Can you apply your Wing Chun in longer ranges than chi sao range?
How easy is it for you to dominate boxers, muay thai guys, wrestlers and jiu jitsu guys?
How much of the theory of Wing Chun can you apply against fully resisting opponents?
How much do you feel a need to integrate other martial arts into you Wing Chun in order to “make up” for your lack of ability to apply?
These are the questions that show the difference between Dragon Family Wing Chun and other types of Wing Chun.
Because Dragon Family Wing Chun is…
More Efficient. More Honest.
Its the way Wing Chun should be.
Because our practice has been more honest.
Unlike most forms of Wing Chun, Dragon Family Wing Chun isn’t founded upon theory. It doesn’t say “if you do this that I would have done that”.
It just does.
And because of this honest approach, it does better.
Instead of theory, Dragon Family Wing Chun is founded upon decades of hands-on sparring experience…
Decades of hitting and getting hit.
Decades of testing under pressure.
And decades of being honest about what works and what doesn’t.
Here are some key factors that make Dragon Family Wing Chun stand out:
- Multi-Range System: Fighting is a mult-range activity. Dragon Family Wing Chun can dominate in all ranges.
- Efficient Range-Specific footwork: Dragon Family Wing Chun focuses on direct and agile footwork, allowing practitioners to quickly close the distance and gain a strategic position. In longer range, we are highly mobile and elusive. In closer range, we prioritize grounding and solidity.
- Economical motion: Dragon Family Wing Chun emphasizes minimizing unnecessary movement, using the opponent’s energy against them, and exploiting their weaknesses.
- Obsessive centerline focus: Dragon Family Wing Chun obsessively focuses on controlling the centerline, allowing practitioners to dominate the opponent’s position and create openings for counterattacks. Others simply don’t dedicate themselves to the same level of centerline focus.
- Simultaneous attack and defense: The style teaches practitioners to simultaneously defend and attack, creating a seamless flow of motion and making it difficult for opponents to counter.
- Structure: Most Wing Chun doesn’t fosucs enough on structure and root. Dragon Family Wing Chun believes that structure and root are the keys to opening the doors of sensitivity.
- Emphasis on Position: Dragon Family Wing Chun places a strong emphasis on positional strength, efficiency and structure.
- Practical application: Dragon Family Wing Chun focuses on realistic and practical self-defense techniques, preparing practitioners for real-world situations.
These factors combined make Dragon Family Wing Chun a highly effective and efficient martial art for self-defense and combat.
Here are some factors that contribute to Dragon Family Wing Chun’s reputation:
- Streamlined curriculum: Dragon Family Wing Chun has a more condensed and focused curriculum, eliminating unnecessary techniques and emphasizing the most effective and practical methods.
- Emphasis on individual expression: Dragon Family Wing Chun encourages practitioners to express themselves freely, adapting techniques to their unique body structure, strengths, and fighting style.
- Focus on fluid motion: Dragon Family Wing Chun emphasizes smooth, continuous motion, allowing practitioners to transition seamlessly between positions and create a flowing, adaptive defense.
- Practical application: Dragon Family Wing Chun focuses on realistic self-defense scenarios, preparing practitioners for common attacks and situations.
- Lineage and heritage: Dragon Family Wing Chun has a rich history and lineage, tracing back to the legendary Wing Chun master, Ip Man, and his student, Leung Sheung.
Now, after all this, I’m not looking to “put down” other types of Wing Chun. I’m actually simply looking to do what Dragon Family Wing Chun does already… be more efficient and more honest.
I know every Wing Chun style has its worth. But I believe that if these other styles embraced the things Dragon Family Wing Chun does, they could become much, much better. But first it begins with a sincere desire to get better. That begins by humbling yourself and being open to improving. Unfortunately, its uncommon to be truly honest.