Bruce Lee Siu Nim Tao

Bruce Lee Siu Nim Tao

Bruce Lee practicing Siu Nim Tao

Siu Nim Tao Wing Chun’s first and most fundamental form. Before moving to America, Bruce Lee trained Wing Chun in Hong Kong under Yip Man for two years, from the age of 16 to 18. It is said that Bruce Lee practiced Siu Nim Tao frequently throughout his life.

Siu Nim Tao, often translated as “Little Idea”, serves as the foundation for Wing Chun training. It is used as a daily ritual for Wing Chun practitioners to get comfortable with the basic stance, hand techniques and concepts of Wing Chun. Practicing Siu Nim Tao every day forms the make-up of the body and creates the muscle memory required to make Wing Chun work.

Bruce Lee Siu Nim Tao

Bruce Lee Siu Nim Tao Poster

Bruce Lee Siu Nim Tao Poster
