Wing Chun Dummy: A Beginners Guide + How to Use a Wooden Dummy

wing chun dummy

This is the ultimate beginner’s guide to the Wing Chun dummy!

For beginners. this Wing Chun dummy guide is meant to help clarify several of the most common training questions beginners need to know.

So if you want expert guidance specifically for beginner’s on the wooden dummy. here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to use the Wing Chun wooden dummy
  • Beginners Wing Chun dummy form lesson
  • Tips for Wing Chun Dummy training
  • Guidance on how to train the Wing Chun dummy
  • Learn how y
    Then you’ll love this Wing Chun dummy beginner’s guide.

Let’s get started.


How to Use a Wing Chun Dummy

In this Wing Chun beginners lesson, I’ll discuss how to use the Wing Chun wooden dummy. This Wing Chun online video helps beginners to Wing Chun understand what the wooden dummy is for and what its meant to develop.


 :: Looking to build your own dummy? Here are Wing Chun Dummy Plans ::


Wooden Dummy Lesson for Beginners

Here is a wooden dummy lesson for beginners that details how to do the first set of the Wing Chun dummy. Great for those looking to learn how to use the Wing Chun dummy, I created it recently during a private session with one of my local beginner Wing Chun students here in Dana Point, California. The tutorial includes the first set of the Wing Chun wooden dummy form as taught here at The Dragon Institute. We teach the Leung Sheung method of the mook jong. This set is referred to as number ten (#10).


4 Wooden Dummy Tips for Beginners

What is the Wing Chun Wooden Dummy for?

The wooden dummy is for position and footwork. It also helps to develop efficient transitions from one position to the next. Used properly for your Wing Chun training it can and should be the best training device around!

This to avoid when training the wooden dummy:

Hacking at the dummy arms, crossing the centerline and chasing the dummy arms. You don’t have to hit the dummy hard to be effective. The wooden dummy is about precision. It teaches you the feel of the right positions to be in (aka the sweet spots). Some may think wooden dummy training is meant to condition your bones, but that’s not what its for at all. Instead a Wing Chun beginner should train the wooden dummy in order to develop good structure, position and sensitivity.



Wing Chun Dummy Arms: Energetic Pathways

Students often worry about what’s coming at them or about what technique to use in order to defend themselves from someone’s attacks. However, it takes a different way of thinking in Wing Chun.

One example of this is the Wing Chun dummy arms.

First, known that the Wing Chun dummy arms are not physical representations of an arm. Instead, they represent your opponent’s attack (the energetic pathways coming at you). This could mean an elbow, shoulder, head, leg, whatever kind of pressure or force they could bring at you.

Next, a student should be aware that right next to their energetic pathway (the dummy arm) is the pathway that you as a student should follow to attack them.

When you focus upon the Wing Chun dummy arms as pathways of energy, you discover a parallel existence of substantial and insubstantial (yin and yang) / pressure and emptiness.

That, combined with the “origin of motion theory”, students can navigate alongside these energetic pathways, much like riding on the side of the road or traversing through a tunnel without collision.

In other words, right next to their power is their opening. And their opening is your most powerful line of attack. Use their force (line of attack) as a guide (pathway) to follow in order to help you simultaneously attack and defend.


How to Train the Wing Chun Dummy (Concepts You Need to Know)

In this wing chun dummy training lesson, I go over the essential concepts that help you optimize your practice on the Wing Chun wooden dummy.

First, I go over how important it is to use concepts to train the dummy. Because just going through the motions on the Wing Chun dummy without understanding the underlying concepts will yield little benefit. It is crucial to grasp the principles that govern Wing Chun to make the most of your training.

Then I take you through a private lesson as I teach one of my students how to train the Wing Chun dummy. In it, you’ll see the key principles that should be applied in order to take your training to higher levels.