Wing Chun in Orlando
Are you looking for “Orlando Wing Chun”, “Wing Chun in Orlando” or Wing Chun Near Orlando”?
If you live in or around Orlando. Wing Chun learners (or those looking to learn Wing Chun in Orlando) have a distinct opportunity to learn Wing Chun at Florida’s oldest Wing Chun school!
Since 1978, Karl Godwin, founder of SEMINOLE WING CHUN, has been practicing Wing Chun. Orlando area’s city of Sanford, FL is home to the school. SEMINOLE WING CHUN is the longest, continuously running school in the state of Florida (See also Florida Wing Chun Schools)
Seminole Wing Chun (Orlando/Sanford)… Old School Wing Chun at its Finest!
Here is a short history of Seminole Wing Chun…
- Wing Chun has a rich history in the Orlando area, with Ken Werner being one of the original students of Sifu Ben Der of San Jose, California.
- Seminole Community College was the location of Ken’s first and only public Wing Chun class in the Orlando area.
- Karl Godwin was in this original class and became Ken’s sole pupil, eventually learning the entire art of Wing Chun from him.
- In August of 1982, Karl opened his own public class. Notable students of this time were Steve Causey, Dan Berry, and Bill Graves, who later introduced our Orlando area Wing Chun to the Jacksonville area.
- Karl set up a class in Apollo Beach Florida in January of 1984, where he taught Kim Leisey, who continued training with him until 2006.
- Karl would commute to the Orlando area from Tampa to refine his skills with Ken Werner, who offered an unusual and effective approach to the traditionally close-in martial art of Wing Chun with his long bridge extension in chi sao.
- In the mid-nineties, Karl re-established his ties with his teacher’s California roots by visiting the classes of Kenneth Chung and met Sifu Ben Der in 2004, working with him several times since.
- Kevin Povelite and John Gendall began training in the style in the summer and fall of 1985, with Kevin still training at the Orlando Wing Chun school in Sanford.
- John Cardenas is another distinguished student who began training at this time.
- Today, Seminole Wing Chun classes continue to thrive with regular students and alumni from past decades returning for training or a quick workout.
Wing Chun Classes in the Orlando area
Sifu Karl Godwin teaches Wing Chun classes in the Orlando (Sanford, FL) area. For information on joining his Orlando area Wing Chun classes, contact Sifu Karl Godwin at godwinwingchun [at] gmail [dot] com
Not a beginners class. Karl’s school does not tailor to beginners. New students looking for the absolute best must be willing to feel like a fish out of water for some time. No new students have been successful in staying for the last 7 years.
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