International Wing Chun Day

International Wing Chun Day. Held on the 3rd Sat in March each year, International Wing Chun Day is a day for everyone to celebrate the fist of springtime!

Since Wing Chun is a system of threes, International Wing Chun Day is held on the 3rd Saturday of the 3rd month in the year. This time also represents the beginning of spring. So Wing Chun Day is a celebration of spring. But it is also a day to raise awareness about Wing Chun by holding local events in your community.

Here are some ideas…
Local event ideas include:
* free demonstrations
* exhibitions
* open houses
* free introductory classes
* Ip Man movie showings
* chi sao-a-thons for charity
* speeches to community organizations
* local TV and radio appearances
* hold a Wing Chun seminar/workshop
* have a local Wing Chun meetup
* hold a Wing Chun webinar
* other charity fund raising events
* host an awards presentation
* hold a luncheon or dinner event
* hold an auction
* hold a raffle
Be sure to tell local newspapers about the day and the events that you have planned! International Wing Chun Day also has a Facebook page where they will share your local events…